Author: Nadeen Amr

5 social skills that will make or break your work experience

When it comes to work or job hunting, people often fill their CVs with their experiences, practical skills and interests, rushing to showcase their talents and expertise. Although practical skills are very important when you want to get a job, soft skills are what make or break your actual job experience, but mostly go unnoticed because people tend to think that they come naturally or can be acquired easily.

Today we hope to remind you of the importance of soft skills and the fact that you need to constantly work on yourself to develop and grow in the way you handle yourself, tough work situations and others.

Here are 5 of the most important social skills that help transform your work environment and relations:

1. Creative thinking and problem solving:
The word “creative” is excessively used in the digital world but it holds great importance in many ways. As for task-based importance of creative thinking, you need it to be able to introduce new ideas, find the creative angle in heavily informative briefs and work with various departments at once, offering insight and adding a valuable asset to the table. Developing such a skill requires researching, reading and a lot of hands-on experience.

Outside tasks and deadlines, creative and critical thinking are very important for having a good relationship with your co-workers and finding new ways to open opportunity doors for yourself. To hack into creative thinking, you need to throw yourself outside  your comfort zone -we realise it’s a bit cliche- but it’s true.

2. Work with a team and communicate well:

Work is not a place for the stubborn, angry and lone wolves. In order to have a happy, healthy work environment you need to be able to work with people in an effective and efficient manner. If you waste too much time on trivial arguments, how much work can you actually get done? Understand that you can’t always be right. Here are some tips to help you navigate your way with teams or for when you need to communicate your needs: listen well, think before you speak, don’t shoot down ideas, be willing to compromise and be a sponge. Being a sponge means that you need to get yourself ready to absorb opinions, ideas, requests etc. Another important aspect of team work is filtration; listen to all, but benefit from some, know what to take out of a conversation and what to leave out.

3. Good work ethic and voice of reason:

This is a tough one, we all think we are doing a good job almost all the time. In order to master the art of work ethic, you need to be able to be honest with yourself, being your own critic from the smallest to the biggest of things. Do you come on time? Get your tasks done in a timely manner? Do you keep your quality as consistent as possible? Do you help your coworkers? Etc. The answer to those questions does not have to be a 100% yes, but you need to keep a decent percentage. Work ethic is hard to teach, but people who have a strong work ethic possess certain qualities that include: Attentiveness, dedication, competitiveness, motivation, multitasking, punctuality and reliability. Make a checkpoint with yourself and see if you have any of those qualities, and if not, ask yourself how can I add this to my skill set?.

4. The art of leadership:

Leadership is such an important quality for seniors and juniors alike, because you never know when you will need to hold the centre-stage.

But being a leader is tricky business, because you need to walk the thin line between being bossy and being a leader. This is what researchers call “Gentle Leadership”. Also defined as “Not the exercise of power and authority, but rather the exertion of influence over the feelings, thoughts and actions of others”. Sounds pretty, but how? Some attributes of great leaders can be summed up in 11 Cs: Character, Charisma, Conscience, Convection, Courage, Communication, Compassion, Commitment, Consistency, Consideration and Contribution.

5. Be quick on your feet and adapt:

This is something everyone around you in the workplace will come to appreciate, because nobody likes that one person who whines about every single task and only sees the worst in everyday office mishaps.

Being able to adjust quickly and having the flexibility to work in different environments and under different circumstances is an invaluable asset in work, especially in fast moving digital industries, where something new is discovered everyday, with changes and updates happening day in and day out. Being able to adapt requires a personal skill set with curiosity at its centre.

Some related skills you can work on that will ultimately lead to maximum adaptability include: Self-management, Decision-making, Calmness, Optimism, Open-mindedness, Analysis, Self-confidence, Organisation and Self-motivation. Meaning that you don’t have to wait for the perfect circumstances to do your best work, instead you must learn to work with what you have and make the best out of it.

To conclude, we suggest you never lose sight of your soft skills and always try to find new ways to develop internally; as it will reflect on your work relations, work-life balance and highly improve your office experience and open new doors of opportunity and exposure for you. Whether you choose one and work on it or make tiny improvements in all 5 aspects, it’s definitely worth the effort!.

Community management

Community management is one of the major roles in advertising agencies, but it is sometimes overlooked in the digital field because other positions could be louder or busier. In this article, we will explore the hidden gems of community management and how you can explore the world of your target audience and walk in their shoes with ease.

Here are the top 4 community management tools we use day in and day out at Remark. Give them a read and find out what you can customise and utilize according to your brand:

1. Give your users the steering wheel
One of the top benefits of good community management is that you can give your consumers the steering wheel and have them create content for your brand. Yes, you read that right, user generated content can be sparked through simple community management tricks; identify what type of content creates the most engagement on your social media, create a campaign that sparks interest and ask your target audience to participate and post about the campaign using your hashtag. The role of community management is key in starting up and maintaining the success of such campaigns through reposting, responding and keeping the engagement going. 

User-generated content will  help your current consumers remain engaged with the brand, instead of falling into the trap of focusing too much on acquiring new customers and forgetting about those that already exist. Sparking individual interest will also add more value to your brand, which will increase consumer satisfaction, brand loyalty and advocacy.

2. Create your own community

If your brand targets a niche group of consumers, you can always use that to your advantage because creating a community out of your target audience will almost always work in your favor. In addition to empowering your target audience, making them feel heard and prioritized, creating a community will also help humanize your brand. 

Humanizing your brand will help you greatly when you need to change negative perceptions, address concerns, or even simply reinforcing your brand personality and tone of voice.

Another major benefit of creating a community of loyal customers is that it allows for creating a personal connection with your brand, helping your target audience link together through you, giving you higher brand resonance.

Creating a community can be achieved through a lot of ways, but our favorite is creating a closed group on social media where they could share stories, interact with and respond to each other and the brand. This creates an immediate sense of belonging and opens a door for your brand to listen in and gather more target audience insights (which is also a key role of community management).

3. Listen, respond and use the right words

This may seem like a common community management role. Which is true, but there are so many tips and tricks you can use to maximize the benefit of what may seem like a simple response.

For example, many brands have addressed legitimate concerns and used them to their advantage; handling customer anger in a way that will reflect positively on the brand. 

In addition to addressing concerns, smart brands also take every opportunity they get to toot their own horn and highlight positive feedback and use it to create engagement. 

The comments people leave you are essentially what helps you understand how your communication is affecting your target audience, what you need to say and what you need to stop doing. Giving you the greatest tool that brings your brand personality to life.

4. Look out for insights

Listening to your target audience is also very important, you never know when an insight will come to your rescue. 

The most successful campaigns are the ones that come from something someone noticed. As a community manager, you need to always keep your eyes opened for the little details that will end up creating remarkably effective campaigns!

In addition to giving you the “wow” factor that creates your campaigns, reporting regularly with results and insights will help you maintain your success or make the necessary adjustments you need to perfect your campaigns (or completely abort missions). 

Which is why we believe objectives come from insights. Reporting on-going campaigns will help you greatly when determining what your audience needs to see from you next. When you know what your audience expects, you design messages that are tailored to them, which will get you desired results depending on how good you are at listening to your target audience.

Community management is full of hidden gems that can bring any business closer to its target audience, giving them a sense that they are part of something bigger. We are always looking for ways to understand, relate to, and address our audience in ways that make sense to brands we manage. Never losing sight of our objectives.


Where to go when you need inspiration

No matter where you fall on the digital advertising industry spectrum, you cannot escape brainstorming sessions!

You are asked to come up with new relevant ideas that are just the right size for your campaigns, because the digital advertising industry is just a constant flow of ideas; our jobs are just an ebb and flow of creativity.

But on some days, ideas are harder to come by than usual. We’ve all found ourselves sitting in front of a screen with a frozen blank mind, struggling to find concepts to build on.

At Remark, we know the struggle, so we took it upon ourselves to gather some tips. mostly from experience (and desperation) that we use when faced with a lack of ideas.

First, our most valuable tip would be that you get out of your own head.

We recommend that you take a break, get up from your desk, and start engaging in random conversations with workmates or people outside the office. Ask about their day, listen to their anecdotes, laugh with them and just have a good time. But always remember to be ready, in the middle of conversation you may hear a phrase or a story that will spark your interest; take notes. Carry around a small notebook or even use your phone to write down interesting things you hear from people around you instantly. Doing this will accumulate later on and give you a bank of ideas to use for now and later. You will also stay aware throughout the day, with your mind trying to get you the idea you were looking for without getting too worked up about it.

The second thing you can do when you are literally at a loss of words is to take a dive into social media. Social media is magic when you need to see what people are currently talking about, the recent trends, social issues, or even brand complaints. You can learn a lot through watching; try to find links between what is happening now and what you need, or try to establish patterns. Is there something happening now that is similar to a previous event? Are there certain causes on the rise? How are people responding to trends?. Asking yourself those kinds of questions and finding the answers on social media give you insight on your target audiences’ reactions, what they will expect from your brand and will surely help stir the creative waters in your brain. Trust us, ideas can pop-out when you least expect them!.

If you can’t find inspiration from the real world, it’s time for Netflix. Watch a documentary, movie, series or stand up comedy. You can go with familiar favorites or something you’ve never watched before, but always remember to keep the previously mentioned notebook close by. You know where we’re going with this; it’s time to start taking notes again. If you hear a catchy phrase, watch an interesting scene, or an epic plot twist, write down where you found it and what you thought about it.

Look deeper into the creative structures and story lines, try to link your campaign to any interesting sequence or story you can find. You will be surprised how much fiction can link with reality.

All the previous methods were non-work related, and we are strong advocates for finding creativity in everyday life, because we all know googling “creative ideas for….” sucks out all the creativity out of everything. Once you see what someone else has done, you become fixated on their idea and try too hard to exceed expectations you put on yourself.

But if you need a faster, more direct industry-related method, you can opt for looking at campaigns executed for different industries, break them down yourself and read their existing analysis, see if you can identify what made them unique and catch their insights. If you need to, try to explore visually rich and creative platforms; take a behance trip, explore vimeos of your favorite industry directors, dip into youtube etc.


You can use all our 4 methods when you need to find creativity on slow days because we swear by it when we need an instant shift of mindset. Waking up our brains and helping the team get those creative juices flowing; which is all we need for ideas to start emerging out of the darkness.

Although our ways work when you find yourself stuck and in need of a quick creative fix, they work just as well (and even better) when you create a routine out of them!.

Using those techniques regularly will help ideas come easier to you when you’ve already fed your mind everyday with stories, ideas, incounters, and created a library inside your own head that will make invisible links to reality and spark ideas when you need them.

5 timeless digital advertising trends

The digital world is always evolving, and this makes digital advertising one of the trickiest businesses out there. Brands often struggle to stay relevant and up to date in the eyes of their target audience due to the abundance of content. Moreover, with developments happening at a very fast pace on all platforms, it is becoming harder and harder for brands to stay on track and not fall behind, or fall in the traps of trial and error.

In order for your brand not to not stray, we suggest you always remember your purpose. Instead of going along with every trend using every new tool out there, try to utilize familiar originals whileexperimenting carefully with new but relevant methods that fit you to guarantee success!

Here’s a list of the most effective digital trends (some new, some timeless) to look out for through your advertising journey:

1-Interactivity is everything

Brands that speak to their target in a fun way that actually makes them want to respond always win. As the internet is getting more and more opinionated and vocal, interactivity will give your target audience the feeling that they are heard, appreciated and understood. 

Coming up with fun interactive content like trivias, giveaways, games, memes, polls etc. will not only reflect your brand personality well and give it a familiar humane side but more importantly, interactivity can also significantly increase user engagement and enjoyment, as well as increase the time users spend on your page and view your posts. 

Although this method has been around for a while and is one of the greatest advantages of the digital world, it has increased in popularity over the years due to the fact that it has proven to give incredible results in terms of user experience.

2- Be aware of what matters & be inclusive

We’ve established that people are passionate, vocal and opinionated when it comes to expressing their views on social media, they like brands that are also expressive. People support brands that have values, notice things that matter and speak up when a relevant issue surfaces. Make sure that your brand does not only keep up with fun trends, but you must also follow and address important worldwide issues such as the environment, human rights, political stands etc.

This will go to show that your brand cares about the bigger picture and that it is not deaf to the real world.

Another key related concept brands should adopt is inclusivity; showing acceptance, diversity and understanding.

Welcome representing different people that come from different backgrounds, lifestyles, circumstances etc. and say goodbye to old homogeneous approaches and one-size-fits-all content. People will appreciate diversity in your visuals, content and values.

3- Add more to your ads

In a time where ads are usually skipped or blocked, smart brands need to find a way to work around it. Instead of forcing ads on your target, you should find a new way to deliver your message that is easier to swallow.

Most brands now drift towards influencer marketing because it can give your audience all the information they need to know in an easy, fun storytelling approach. After all, who wouldn’t listen to their favorite internet icon?

Influencer ads are usually carried out in a variety of ways, including (most popularly) reviews on PR packages, collaborations, hands-on experience, takeovers etc. depending on your product or service and what you want to say; you just need to pick a format that is short, friendly and simple!
When done right, influencer marketing will help you catch and hold the attention of your target audience, increase traffic on your page and create awareness of your expected product or service experience as well as establish brand trust.
However, brands should always remain truthful to their customers.
Do not fall into the trap of overreaching and making promises you can’t keep, but instead make sure your brand quality is up to standard and is lined up with or even better than what your influencer advocates.

4- Easy = purchase

What makes digital advertising such a key tool in driving leads is because it is easy. You can view the product, click, and purchase within seconds.

Make sure that your pages are all optimized to give your customers easy-access to the product and the simplest possible steps for them to make a purchase.

In addition to easy-access and easy purchase, your platforms should have instant communication with your target audience; make use of chatbots, store features, feedback, visual or audio-visual product-representation etc. to make sure your consumers’ questions are answered quickly and in a variety of ways and that your target enjoys a user friendly experience.

Chatbots are particularly important because it allows customers to complete a purchase or ask about a product without interacting with actual people; which leads to less overall conversation duration, less error and a more efficient experience. Which is what we are all looking for; smooth purchase with minimum problems, doubts or regrets.

5- Personalization

We decided to go for a timeless familiar favorite to end our list, because it is still key in all successful digital advertising we see.

Because personalization has been around for a while, it has become what people expect to see from your brand. This means that people appreciate it when the content they see is based on previous interactions they had with the brand.

A key concept that comes hand in hand with personalization is segmentation. Instead of creating a large campaign that targets all your audience, break them down into little segments and create smaller campaigns that target each group individually. This way, your content will feel more personal to each segment, and you will be able to gather the right detailed insights of your buyer personas. Which will ultimately help you improve your content and targeted ads.

On point personalization is not easy to do, but it has its advantages. For instance, it will most definitely increase purchase (new and repeated) as well as boost your ROI and develop higher levels of consumer loyalty.